I am so pissed off with my colleagues. Argh.
Apparently shit happened and everyone started to push the crap to the next person. The unlucky dude at the end of the flames is a blur and innocent target, who happens to be me..
I've since drawn up my plans and decided to share with everyone who had been innocently accused by cunning and backstabbing colleagues the 4 pointers to turn your life around. It's time to show them who's boss by beating them in their game.
Okay. In order to be not just evil, but heh-heh-heh-ly evil you will need:
#1 To be able to Laugh Evilly
Laughing evilly is the very first step to being evil and can be easily achievable in 3 simple steps. But do take note that laughing evilly without having a good reason may result in getting a swift kick to your crotch.
Observe the the following steps to pull off the perfect evil laugh:
Step 1a:
Firstly, tilt your head back approximately 45 degree so that you're facing /
Step 1b:
Now clench your fists lightly and place them on your hips.
Step 1c:
To finish it up, feet apart and parallel it to your shoulder width.
Just accomplishing this stance alone gives you a bonus +800 Evil Feeling points. Really. This is an accurate example of how it should look like when you're done:
Fig 1.1.

The standard Evil Laugh shown at Fig 1.1. is applicable in many situations: from tripping your unwary colleagues to after winning at a Table Tennis game. It's even appropriate when the teacher's asking you for the reason for not doing your homework.
For the ultimate dare devils, I by no means encourage you to kick an old lady down the stairs and do this.
You can master the art of Evil Laugh by practicing it every morning right after you woken up and before brushing your teeth :)
Walao. Busying Alt + Tab between MSN and Blogger, I just accidentally typed a wrong message to a wrong person in MSN. Some more is a pretty girl, man :(
I needa go get a shovel and dig myself to the other side of Earth now.
#2 To be able to give an Evil LookThe Evil Look's undoubtedly the most important part in being evil.
Begin by catching the attention of your desired target. Once eye contact is made, start squinting your eyes as much as possible but be careful not to accidentally close them as it will results in you being unable to see anything.
After approximately 10 seconds or so, clench your teeth and and lift the upper right side of your lips while quivering them
(your lips) as you do so.
An Evil Look is best used when someone causes you annoyance and discomfort.
Eg: classmate accidentally drops your pencil box on the floor.
#3 To have a Dark and Mysterious PastAs a rule of thumb, ALL major antagonists
in anime needs to have a dark and mysterious past and that's that. No arse-whooping bad guys studies in any school and have any friends because
[inserts an irrelevant reason].
But it's too late for you now if you do not possesses this.
#4 To have a Secret HideoutThis is a very vital part in Being Evil. All up-to-date major antagonists needs to have a secret base located somewhere in a mountain, in a hard-to-reach castle, or in China because no arse-whooping major antagonists likes to stay with his grandparents.
Here's a step by step walk-through on how you can build A Portable Secret Base.
You will need:- alot, alot of cardboards
- 800 rolls of scotch tapes
- an origami book
- a 0.8metre long wooden stick
- a lighter
- a very scary and unique mask
(provided below)Okay. First of all, open the origami book and look for: "How To Build: A Paper House", then fold the cardboard like instructed and tape everything together.
It should be nightfall by the time you're done. Now just sit around comfortably in it and get a well deserved rest.
Oya, if anyone happens to be trespassing on your sacred grounds, you can then put on the very unique and very cool Cut-Out Mask provided below and light the wooden stick on fire subsequently using the lighter, and then scares them off by waving it about while shouting incoherently :D
Fig 1.2.
Be sure to colour it for maximum effect! I think
Green is nice :)
Time for me to go report for work. Hectic life man...
More later
~A Suspicious Man